Thought I'd post a summery photo on here from yesterday - we haven't had that many really nice days here this summer, but yesterday was just great (once the rain and wind passed over). Peter and I went beach combing in the afternoon -- loads and loads of jellyfish stranding at the moment but not a lot else of interest really. I love the close up detail on the compass jellyfish.
An update on my Etsy shop - I'm up to sale # 107 now, and can't believe it still! I LOVE being able to make things and be able to sell them so that I can keep making more and more and more :)
I worked out the other day that I've sold 62 pairs of wristwarmers since I opened my shop there last year - isn't that amazing?! I still love making them, trying out different yarns, colours and textures etc. It's great that they've been so successful for me, I don't think I'll ever tire of making them, which is a good job really as they are my best seller.
Having said in a previous blog post here that I wouldn't be ordering/buying any more yarn I of course HAD to order some more from Springwools...I really have zero will power...but this is it now for a while!! I have so much 'in stock' that I really do need to start using that up first before buying in more lovely bits and pieces: though every time I see a new colour or brand I do have to consciously stop myself from 'just getting that one'.
I had been busy making bags for my Etsy shop but am back on wrist warmers again for a while - the last one I made is this really funky pink one; I'm secretly in love with it myself.
Last month I donated three sets of cotton scrubbies to the April's Army (charity) shop on Etsy and they sold so quickly that I missed seeing them listed - by the time I got there they had all sold out already! I'm donating another three sets this month too and as always I'm really excited about it all again :) OOOH!! I've just had a look in the feedback there and got this for the scrubbies
I love my new scrubbies from April's Army and selkiecrochet. They are well made and so pretty, and they really work!
Can't wait to try these out, they feel great, and will be so much better than my worn out face scrubber.
YAY!!!!! I love it when people leave feedback :)