Wednesday, February 1, 2012

First Day of Spring!

Today's the first of February, which makes it the first proper day of Spring! YAY!! January always seems like the longest, darkest month of the whole year so I'm glad to be able to put it behind me :D

So how about a quick bit of an update on my life?

First of all, this is the new addition to the 'family' -- meet Oscar! He's been with us for over three weeks now already and is just adorable. He's desperate for the other cats to have a play but they aren't so keen yet. He actually snuck up behind Dinah for a sneaky cuddle while she was asleep (in the photo) - she wasn't very happy when she woke up and realised who she was cuddled up with!

Meanwhile, over on Etsy, I had my 200th sale last month!! Who would have ever thought I would have reached such a milestone?! I still have to pinch myself sometimes to really believe it all.

In the last few weeks I've started making some new items for my shop -- I think change is good and I guess you have a better chance of getting more customers if you have a bit more variety in your range.

So I have started making cotton bath mitts - for exfoliation and body polishing etc. So far I've only sold one but hopefully they will sell - though they might sell better when I go to craft fairs, perhaps? I've only got three listed in my shop but must make a few more, just to have them 'in stock'.

Another new item, and one that I'm quite excited about, are my beach pebbles! It's a bit of a novel idea and I'm not too sure how well they will sell either - but nothing ventured, nothing gained (this should be my motto!). I'm thinking these might sell very well coming up to Christmas - something small and Irish, that is a bit of a quirky gift, but also quite pretty and unusual...
best of all is that it gives me an excuse to get out and go beach combing - like I need an excuse, ha ha!!

Finally, I've 'evolved' my wrist warmer pattern so that the ones made from double-knitting or finer yarns now have a half-thumb! I am really happy with this change - also it gives a bit more variety (again!) in my shop.


  1. Oooh kitties AND wool! This is the coziest blog I follow. Those beach pebble bags are adorable!
